Retrieving Stresses#

This example will demonstrate the get_stress_at_points() method, which get can be used to obtain the stress at one or multiple points within the cross-section.

150 x 100 x 6 RHS#

The first section will look at a 150 x 100 x 6 RHS and sample the stress at both a single point, and along two lines. We start by creating the geometry, mesh and Section object.

from sectionproperties.pre.library import rectangular_hollow_section
from sectionproperties.analysis import Section

geom = rectangular_hollow_section(d=100, b=150, t=6, r_out=15, n_r=8)
sec = Section(geometry=geom)

Here we will define the point and two lines along which we would like to sample the stress.

  • Point: x = 100, y = 97

  • Line 1: x = 3, y = 20 to 80 (sample 10 points)

  • Line 2: x = 0 to 150, y = 3 (sample 50 points)

import numpy as np

pt = (144, 6)
x1 = [3] * 10
y1 = np.linspace(20, 80, 10)
x2 = np.linspace(0, 150, 50)
y2 = [3] * 50

We will overlay the finite element mesh with a plot of the point and two lines.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = sec.plot_mesh(materials=False, render=False)
ax.plot(pt[0], pt[1], "r*", label="Point")
ax.plot(x1, y1, "bo-", label="Line 1")
ax.plot(x2, y2, "go-", label="Line 2")

Before extracting the stresses, we must first perform a geometric and warping analysis.



For this first sample location we describe a complex load case, plot the von Mises stress and extract the stress at the point.

load_case = {
    "n": -50e3,
    "mxx": 5e6,
    "myy": 10e6,
    "vx": 5e3,
    "vy": 15e3,
    "mzz": 5e6,

stress = sec.calculate_stress(**load_case)
stress.plot_stress(stress="vm", cmap="viridis", normalize=False)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Stress Contour Plot - $\\sigma_{vM}$'}>
sig = sec.get_stress_at_points(pts=[pt], **load_case)[0]
print(f"sig_zz = {sig[0]:.2f} MPa")
print(f"tau_xz = {sig[1]:.2f} MPa")
print(f"tau_yz = {sig[2]:.2f} MPa")
sig_zz = -153.47 MPa
tau_xz = 29.67 MPa
tau_yz = 29.82 MPa

We can confirm that the von Mises stress matches that shown on the above plot by using the following formula:

\(\sigma_{vm} = \sqrt{(\sigma_{zz})^2 + 3(\sigma_{z,xy})^2}\)

where \(\sigma_{z,xy} = \sqrt{(\sigma_{xz})^2 + (\sigma_{yz})^2}\) is the resultant shear stress.

sig_vm = np.sqrt(sig[0] ** 2 + 3 * (np.sqrt(sig[1] ** 2 + sig[2] ** 2)) ** 2)
print(f"sig_vm = {sig_vm:.2f} MPa")
sig_vm = 169.89 MPa

Line 1#

For the first line, we place the RHS under a single bending moment - we expect to see a linear distribution of stress down the web.

# zip points into a list of tuples
pts = list(zip(x1, y1))

# extract stresses along the line
sigs = sec.get_stress_at_points(pts=pts, mxx=10e6)

# we are only interested in the first of three stresses (normal stress)
sig_zz = [x[0] for x in sigs]

We can now generate a plot of the normal stress with y-coordinate.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(sig_zz, y1, "kx-")
ax.set_xlabel("Normal Stress [MPa]")
ax.set_ylabel("y-coordinate [mm]")

Line 2#

For the second line, we place the RHS under a single shear force - we expect to see a roughly parabolic distribution of stress along the plate.

# zip points into a list of tuples
pts = list(zip(x2, y2))

# extract stresses along the line
sigs = sec.get_stress_at_points(pts=pts, vx=100e3)

# we are only interested in the second of three stresses (x-shear stress)
# note we also ignore None results (outside geometry)
tau_xz = [x[1] for x in sigs if x is not None]

We can now generate a plot of the x-shear stress with x-coordinate. Note that the first two and last two points are outside the section.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x2[2:-2], tau_xz, "kx-")
ax.set_xlabel("x-coordinate [mm]")
ax.set_ylabel("Shear Stress [MPa]")

Rectangular Section#

This second section will apply shear forces and torsion to a 100 mm x 100 mm rectangular section. The relevant stress contours will be plotted and the shear stress plotted along a central slice. We start by creating the geometry, mesh and Section object.

from sectionproperties.pre.library import rectangular_section

geom = rectangular_section(d=100, b=100)
sec = Section(geometry=geom)

Next we perform a geometric and warping analysis, and apply the loads.

s = sec.calculate_stress(mzz=1e6, vx=10e3, vy=10e3)

We will generate several stress plots to show the stress field.

s.plot_stress_vector(stress="zxy", cmap="viridis", normalize=False)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Stress Vector Plot - $\\sigma_{zxy}$'}>
s.plot_stress(stress="zxy", cmap="viridis", normalize=False)
<Axes: title={'center': 'Stress Contour Plot - $\\sigma_{zxy}$'}>

We will generate a vertical slice down the centre of the rectangle and extract the stresses along 50 points of this line.

xs = [50] * 50
ys = np.linspace(0, 100, 50)
sigs = sec.get_stress_at_points(pts=list(zip(xs, ys)), mzz=1e6, vx=10e3, vy=10e3)
tau_xz = [x[1] for x in sigs]
tau_yz = [x[2] for x in sigs]

We can now plot the x and y components of shear stress along this line.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(ys, tau_xz, "k-", label="$\\tau_{xz}$")
ax.plot(ys, tau_yz, "k--", label="$\\tau_{yz}$")
ax.set_xlabel("y-coordinate [mm]")
ax.set_ylabel("Stress [MPa]")
ax.set_ylim(-4, 8)
ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))