
These instructions will get you a copy of sectionproperties up and running on your machine. You will need a working copy of python 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 to get started.

Installing sectionproperties#

sectionproperties uses shapely to prepare the cross-section geometry and triangle to efficiently generate a conforming triangular mesh. numpy and scipy are used to aid finite element computations, while matplotlib and rich are used for post-processing. Finally, click is used to power the sectionproperties CLI.

sectionproperties and all of its dependencies can be installed through the python package index:

pip install sectionproperties

Installing CAD Modules#

The dependencies used to import from .dxf and .3dm (rhino) files are not included by default in the base installation. cad-to-shapely is used to import .dxf files, while rhino-shapely-interop is used to import .3dm files.

To install sectionproperties with the above functionality, use the dxf and/or rhino options:

pip install sectionproperties[dxf]
pip install sectionproperties[rhino]

Note that the rhino option only supports python 3.9 due to incomplete wheel coverage of rhino3dm.